9,1 km Les chemins de la Sombre Sunken paths, tracks or the old TACOT railway line, the circuit winds through the countryside around Lafage, crossing forests and meadows. The Tacot, a small steam train, marked its passage with its plume of smoke. Find the remains of this secondary railway line which, from 1913 to 1959, linked Tull... Lafage-sur-Sombre
11,4 km Du lac du Deiro à las Vergnas Follow the royal road through the countryside to the village of Darnets and the Las Vergnas site. From the edge of Lac du Deiro to the wetlands of Las Vergnas, passing along the river, water accompanies your journey. This linear itinerary follows an old road, the voie royale, commissioned by Turgot,... Return Égletons
51,9 km Circuit cyclo sportif Sur les Terres de Ventadour Starting from Egletons, this 52 km long, gently undulating route invites you to travel through the Viscounty of Ventadour, an ancient feudal principality. You will pass by the castle of Ventadour built in the 12th century. Situated on a particularly narrow rocky spur, it rises to an altitude of 572... Égletons
6,1 km Combrignac Combrignac, landing stage for pike fishing or starting point for walkers, its paved paths lead you to the hills and plateaus of the Doustre. On the Rouffie stream, a very discreet mammal leaves its epreinte on leaving the water. Made up of fish scales and bones and with a characteristic musk, this t... Champagnac-la-Noaille
21,4 km La Corrézienne VTT - Secteur 18 Dare the adventure of the Corrézienne VTT with sector 18 between Marcillac-la-Croisille and Saint-Hilaire-Foissac. 21km of pure adrenaline and fun, to discover the Corrèze! Walking trail Marcillac-la-Croisille
4,3 km Le Jardin Bourg Between the Doustre river and the Gagnoux stream, perched on the plateau, the village of Le Jardin offers a gentle stroll in the shade of beech and chestnut trees. It is in the autumn colours that the path holds some beautiful encounters, pigeons and tree finches appreciate these undergrowths and go... Montaignac-Saint-Hippolyte
16,7 km Les étangs du Doustre The hamlet of Montaignac-St Hippolyte is home to a large number of peat ponds, some of which feed into the Doustre river. A nesting site or migratory stopover for wild birds, a food reserve for otters or a fishing pleasure for young and old alike, the ponds of the Doustre invite you to the water's e... Montaignac-Saint-Hippolyte
9,6 km Les gorges de la Dordogne Plunge into the great green of the gorges, go along the Chastang reservoir in a wild place that does not lack charm. Stone dwellings and coal-makers' platforms invite you to discover the past life of the Dordogne valley. A point of view plunging on the valley of the Sombre awaits you on the site of... Saint-Merd-de-Lapleau
7,4 km Aigueperse Oratory crosses, cemetery crosses or crosses at crossroads, these beautiful granite crosses line the route. There are no less than 13 crosses in the commune which mark the area. Once placed under the sign of devotion, the crosses protected the villages and the harvests, delimited the parishes or rea... Saint-Hilaire-Foissac
2,7 km Les Agaries From the village of Nougein to the Pierre levée, in an exceptional natural setting, this interpretation circuit with explanatory panels, offers a discovery of the natural heritage and ancient human activities of the Dordogne gorges. Ruins of mills, watering holes, dryings of old chestnut groves acco... Marcillac-la-Croisille
6,2 km Autour de la Sombre Let yourself be guided by water, the main theme of this walk... Cross the stream and wetlands, admire the Chastang reservoir, ask yourself how the micro power station works and arrive at the sacred fountain of St Simon in the magnificent village of Herbeil. Don't forget the chapel... to visit withou... Laval-sur-Luzège
48,8 km GRP® Petit Tour de la Montagne Limousine From the Plateau de Millevaches to the Massif des Monédières, hikers can immerse themselves in the history of this region. This itinerary invites walkers to discover and contemplate the forest landscapes and heritage of the different villages they pass through. This GRP® will enable you to discover... Chaumeil
Randonneur©RandonneurA hiking landVentadour-Egletons-Monédières, in Corrèze, is the ideal playground for hikers ! Lire la suite
Terra Aventura (1)©Terra Aventura (1)|Malika TurinWhat is Terra Aventura ?Le château en imagesLogo Point Info Tourisme©Logo Point Info TourismeOur officesChateau Ventadour©Chateau Ventadour|Communauté de Communes Ventadour-Egletons-MonédièresA land of HistoriesChateau De Ventadour 2018 (27)©Chateau De Ventadour 2018 (27)|OT Ventadour-Egletons-MonédièresExemple page de contenuNos engagements©Nos engagementsOur engagementsRecettes gourmandesLapleau église 2016 (2)©Lapleau église 2016 (2)|OT Ventadour-Egletons-Monédières/Studio Photo AgnouxAn authentic heritage …Saint Yrieix Le Dejalat (1)©Saint Yrieix Le Dejalat (1)|OT Ventadour-Egletons-Monédières/Studio Photo AgnouxSaint-Yrieix-le-DéjalatLogo Pavillon Bleu©Logo Pavillon BleuPavillon Bleu renouvelé pour le lac du Deiro !Recherche de figurants !The hiker’s charter